Di Atas Tarikh-tarikh
Update 1
We almost contributed to the Ops Sikap statistics on motor accidents during Hari Raya. You remember the Raya sms that said something about the reason why the sms-sender is not getting you a proper raya card is because the Postman was 'cuti'? Wrong. A lie. A blatant one. We should know better. The Postman wasn’t on-leave, he was on MC, medical leave. Because he rammed into our car. He had a fracture on his toe, his bike had the lights pecah. Our car? It became Two-Face. One side Harvey Dent, one side Habis Dented. Kena lah pau duit raya anak-anak to fix the car, hehe! Sorry babies!

We almost contributed to the Ops Sikap statistics on motor accidents during Hari Raya. You remember the Raya sms that said something about the reason why the sms-sender is not getting you a proper raya card is because the Postman was 'cuti'? Wrong. A lie. A blatant one. We should know better. The Postman wasn’t on-leave, he was on MC, medical leave. Because he rammed into our car. He had a fracture on his toe, his bike had the lights pecah. Our car? It became Two-Face. One side Harvey Dent, one side Habis Dented. Kena lah pau duit raya anak-anak to fix the car, hehe! Sorry babies!

Update 2
I had an extended cuti raya because the little one, Tiga had chicken pops. And the chicken pops soon developed into what the doctor called 'kudis api', the little pox broke into 20-cent-sized blisters. Awful awful blisters. Poor baby. But at least alhamdulillah, now everyone sudah kena.
Update 3
My 'pengalaman memandu' now is TEN HOURS. Yes, I have been on the road, doing the drag and the drift, occassionaly flashing the finger sign to other motorists, have learnt how to drive while using the handphone and putting on make-up, I am as bad as other motorists out there! My JPJ Driving test wil be Saturday 25th. Just thinking about it is enough to make me lose the appetite to eat/drink/mandi/sleep.
Friends are already asking me what car do I plan to buy. Yamtuan thinks I should be driving a forklift. My boss thinks I should buy her car (she's desperate to sell her CITROEN as she has just bought a Camry). My dream car really is the ruggedy Suzuki Jimny. But passion aside, the car I am eyeing to buy is the car I am currently using at the driving school. It has two brakes kan, so Yamtuan can help brake-brake. It is after all the car that I am most familiar with (ten hours, mind you).

Update 4
Yamtuan is INSANELY jealous of me as yesterday at KLCC I bumped into his hearthrob, Ella and had a bit of peluk-peluk session. She hugged me, okay? She's my fan, what can I say.
'ELLA!! My husband is a huge fan of yours!' and as an after-thought, because I thought it seemed a bit rude of me, I quickly added, 'I am too!'
The last time I bumped into her was many years ago. She was a kid and i was a kid too. She was with the Boys and i was dating a few boys. It was at Kompleks PKNS, Shah Alam. In Guardian, we were elbowing each other trying to choose lipstick from Cover Girl lipstick bar. I didn’t say hi.
Yesterday, we were both at a lipstick bar again, but MAC now. Kira sudah up sikit lah. What issit about Ella and me and lipsticks? She is no more with the Boys, neither am i. However, compared to PKNS days though, I have grown sideways and sport many lines on my face with silver streaks in my crown. She, on the other hand, remains to be as much of a kid as she was that day many years ago. Kalis-usia! Rasa macam kena rock permata biru jugak untuk kekal muda kan?
I commented, you've lost a lot of weight. To which she replied, puasa. And I said, orang dah sebulan raya.. and she giggled her famous giggles. Sweet.
'Kirim salam your husband' she said. Aaahh... sweeter.
'assalamualaikum' she added. Sweetest.
Isnt she such a darling? Yamtuan would have swooooooned.